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Character Creation and House Rules


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To Create a Character for the STAR WARS reimagined game follow the instructions below.


Character creation is simple for this game.

  1. Pick a template provided from either the Core book or the Hero and Rogues book some templates will not be allowed see below

  2. Add 2 attribute dice to your attributes. You may split these dice into pips if desired. No attribute may go over its species maximum

  3. Select Skills and place them under the appropriate Attribute

  4. Allocate 10 skill dice to your chosen skills either as full dice or by pip. Keep in mind that each skill under an attribute begins with the attributes dice. For example if you strength is 3d+2 and you add brawl and give it 2d the total for brawl is 5d+2, if you only added a +1 to brawl the total would be 4d.

  5. If your template comes with force skills listed, you may add dice to them if not you may not add a Force skill to your sheet nor allocate dice to it.

  6. Optional choose advantages and disadvantages (see below) adjust your dice accordingly.

  7. Fill in personal detail, name description so on, add gear.

  8. Decide if the character is force sensitive if that is not already on the template


This will produce a novice character that is a bit better than a normal beginning character in RAW.

The following Templates are not allowed

Failed Jedi

Mon Calamari



Note #1 - Any Template with Jedi in the name is not a True Jedi…you are someone who has adopted the name and philosophy as best as you can under the circumstances. This means that these characters did not train at the Jedi Temple and at best may have trained with a minor jedi for a time before that person was caught or killed, or they are self-taught. In any case they are calling themselves Jedi without any real claim if they use the term at all.


Note #2 – Force Users and Force Sensitives. The game as I have designed it works best if there are few force user initially. The smaller our player group the easier it will be to have more Force Users. 1-3 players - all can be force users, 4 or more players I would prefer only 1 0r 2 be force users, however all can be force sensitive, and I assure you that there will be opportunities for the force sensitives to grow.

Alternately if everyone has their heart set on being the force user, I can accommodate that with... adjustments


Aside from determining a character’s physical and mental capabilities, a player may or may not wish to define that character’s
personality — his history, his family, his beliefs, his quirks, etc. One option is to allow players to select Advantages and Disadvantages.

Each entry on the list described below, includes the name of the Advantage or Disadvantage, its description, and a die
code, which may be positive or negative. When you select one of these items, write it on your character template and record
the die code on a separate piece of paper. When you’ve finished, add up the die codes (the result may be positive or negative).
The resulting die code tells you how many skill dice you must either take away or add to your character’s starting skill dice (a positive die code result means add, while a negative die code result means subtract).

The gamemaster will tell the player whether any of the Advantages or Disadvantages listed in this chapter do not
apply or are not allowed.

Example: A player chooses the following Advantages and Disadvantages for his smuggler character template.
Advantage/Disadvantage Die Code
Debt +2D
Quick Draw −2D
Released Convict +1D
Total: +1D
The smuggler gains an additional 1D (since the total was +1D) in starting skill dice.


Advantages and Disadvantages

Addiction +3D
Argumentative +1D
Blackouts +2D
Center of Conversation +1D
Compulsive Tendencies +3D
Debt +1D to +3D
Delusions of Grandeur −1D
Extraordinary Hearing −2D
Extraordinary Memory −1D
Extraordinary Sight −2D
Extremely Competitive +1D
Fallback Plan +2D
Fanatic +3D
Hallucinations +3D
Low Self-esteem +2D
Manic Depressive +3D
Medical Problem +3D
Migraine Headaches +2D
Motion Sickness +1D
Nightmares +1D
Noble Birth −1D
No Self-confidence +2D
Obsessive Tendencies +2D
Paranoia +3D
Pathological Liar +1D
Phobia +1D
Physically Impaired +3D
Poor Memory +1D
Procrastination +1D
Quick Draw −2D
Released Convict +1D
Skeleton in the Closet +2D or more
Sworn Enemy +1D (creature)
+3D (species)
Targeted for Assassination +3D
Wanted for a Crime +2D


for full descriptions see page 30 of the rule book


any questions ask in OOC or Discord



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House Rule #1


Character Points and Advancement


In RAW character points serve a dual function, they can be spent as sort of a mini force point during play to effect outcomes or they can be used between adventures to advance your characters attributes and skills.


This dual nature leads to a bit of a dilemma where characters either use them during play to succeed and don’t have enough to advance or the opposite they save them to advance and refuse to spend them when they really need them in play.


The games way of defeating this is to make advancement very costly in that you can only raise things by a single pip between adventures. In other words, it doesn’t matter if you have enough to raise a whole dice you can only go one pip so you might as well spend it in play.


I don’t like that.


We have seen examples in the movies books and comics of characters becoming very good at thing in a very short time. With those examples the drawn-out advancement system is outdated and a throwback to the way xp has been screwed up in hundreds of games. I’m not going to do that.


I will be keeping character points to serve as their in-play function, with the spending limitations built into the game, it gives character the ability to be cinematic if they desire without risking the ability to advance the character in level. Oh yes they are hidden but Star Wars does have levels of a sort the GM uses them to build adventures I will use them to determine advancement for the player characters. (see below)



Character Points are a very minor manifestation of the Force that reflect the ability of some individuals to push themselves. Character Points are more plentiful than Force Points, but less powerful. There is no limit to the number of Character Points that a character may have.


Character Points may be spent during the game to improve a character’s skill or attribute rolls. A player

spending one Character Point rolls one extra die and adds it to the skill (or attribute) total. If the roll is a 1, 2, 3, 4 or 5, simply add the roll to the character’s total. If the roll is a 6, add six to the total and roll the die again, adding the new roll as well — keep on rolling if you keep on getting sixes.


A player can wait until after a skill or attribute roll is made before deciding to spend Character Points, but they must be spent before anyone else takes an action.


(A player cannot spend Character Points in the same round or scene that he spends a Force Point or calls

upon the dark side.)


There are limits to the number of Character Points that can be spent:

• Two to improve a skill or attribute roll.

• Two to increase the damage of an attack. (This often counts as an evil action.)

• Five to improve a specialization roll.

• Five on any use of dodge, melee parry or brawling parry, parries when using the lightsaber skill, or dodging when piloting a vehicle or starship.

• Five to increase a Strength roll to resist damage.

• A character may not spend Character Points on another character’s actions.

• A character can spend Character Points during scenes, but only for one continuous action. The bonus ends as soon as the character does something else.



Character Advancement will be treated in a different manner.


Character points will no longer be used for advancement, instead I will award advancement dice directly at the end of each story arc. These will be considered Milestones.


At each Milestone all characters will receive a number of dice to allocate as they see fit to skills, except for force skills, and Attributes. These dice may be used in whole or divided into pips. Attribute maximums still apply.


Force Skills cannot be freely trained up or learned with out some effort. To raise an existing Force skill a character must have used it during the course of play, any actual in-play use counts whether successful or not. Force Skills may only be raised by pip not whole dice, this doesn’t mean you can only raise one pip at a time like in the RAW, but rather your usage will determine how many pips you can apply to a force skill at during any given milestone. Having a teacher will also affect how many pips you can use.


The GM will inform each Force user the number of pips he can add to which force skills at the milestone.

These pips do have to come from your normal allocation of Advancement dice.


Individual Awards.


As the stories progress, I may if your play warrants it, award an individual player a bonus advancement award. These will be in the form of a single pip awarded to a specific skill or attribute to be applied immediately. During the course of a thread, a character my receive multiple bonuses of this sort, but they will always be a single pip usually to a specific skill or attribute but occasionally they will be players choice.




With the universe standard, you can rate characters based on how they compare to other characters in the Star Wars universe and how experienced they are.

This is a comparison of skill levels as based on the die system in the Star Wars Roleplaying Game. Use the chart below:


Die Code Description

1D Below human average for an attribute.

2D Human average for an attribute and many skills.

3D Average level of training for a Human.

4D Professional level of training for a Human.

5D Above average expertise.

6D Considered about the best in a city or geographic area. About 1 in 100,000 people will have training to this skill level.

7D Among the best on a continent. About 1 in 10,000,000 people will have training to this skill level.

8D Among the best on a planet. About 1 in 100,000,000 people will have training to this skill level.

9D One of the best for several systems in the immediate area. About 1 in a billion people have a skill at this level.

10D One of the best in a sector.

11D One of the best in a region.

12D+ Among the best in the galaxy.



Character Levels

By using the “Universe Standard,” and the die ranges below, you can rate characters on relative levels of experience. Please note that the die values listed here are supposed to include all attribute dice, skill dice, and dice equivalents of Force Points, Character Points and Special Abilities.


Average: This character is truly average and has probably only had one or two “adventures” in his lifetime, if any. The character has up to 20 dice.


Novice: This character is a little bit better than average and is about the maximum reasonable skill level for characters with average attributes (12D attribute range). These characters have from 21 to 35 dice.


Veteran: This character is more experienced than a novice. The character is likely to be very good at a few key skills but is weak in others. This character has 36 to 75 dice.


Superior: This type of character has had a great deal of experience in his lifetime and will probably present a formidable challenge to the characters. This type of character has 76 to 150 dice.


Master: These characters have achieved an almost unbelievable level of mastery and experience. This kind of ranking is reserved for characters with the capabilities of Luke Skywalker, Han Solo and Darth Vader. These characters have more than 150 dice.



Player characters in my game start near the high end of Novice Level and will become veterans after their first adventure/Milestone. Further levels will generally take between 5 to 10 or more milestones each. Advancement dice given at milestones are not constant and may range anywhere from 4 to 8 total dice. Note that a single Thread/Story arc may contain more than one milestone, but generally will only have 1.


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Rolling the dice


Star Wars uses a special dice mechanic called the Wild Die.  when you calculate your dice pool one of the dice is supposed to be designated the wild. this dice has special actions when a six or a one are rolled. if a six is rolled the dice is rolled again  until a result other than a six occures. if a one is rolled you subtract the one from your total and the highest dice rolled. if you still succeed you also have a complication.


since we are doing this online and we have a dice roller I am supplying the formula for a roll with the wild dice exploding on a six


!roll Xd6+1d6ie  where X is the number of dice in your pool minus one and the one you subtracted is the wild dice. if you have a pip as well as dice  add it as follows

!roll Xd6+1+1d6ie


when the roll is made it will show the wild dice result in a separate roll box if it comes up one you will have to manually subtract the results.


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