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What I would like you to do here is post and character any npc connections your PC has .

Not every PC needs to be connected to every other PC but in a town this small there should be some connections.


also list and important npc connections. for example. Shay has worked off and on for Bunee over the years so there could be a connection. Lilly might have a plucky answering service/ receptionist.


in the case of an npc connection all you need give me is a name and what the connection is. of course if you want to build more detail into your connection please feel free.



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As a newcomer to Shelly with no intentions of staying past working through her current midlife crisis, Coraline Hess's connection to the town is relatively thin, having driven into the area less than two weeks ago. Her roots trail back east to New York City, and unless something truly remarkable happens, they'll draw her back there.


Angelica Hess, 62, is Coraline's Mother and too-recently a widow with the death of her husband from cancer. She's always been concerned with the uncertainty of her daughter's chosen profession, pushing at her to take up something less unstable. She regrets the way this has spoiled the relationship between the two of them, especially now that her husband isn't there to play peacemaker but doesn't quite know how to work around the words that have been fired by both sides over the years.


Annette Hebert, 39, is Coraline's agent, a deft hand at representing her stable of New York artists to an array of clients. She's been concerned with Coraline's declining productivity the last year, so news of Coraline's sabbatical came not entirely unwelcome. The Louisiana-native is but a phone call away and quietly hopeful of some quality landscapes.


Alexander Lee, 73, is a Shelly native and owner of a fair bit of land around the town, including a number of cabins that he lets out for rent to tourists. The off season contact and long-term rental by Coraline Hess was a pleasant surprise.   



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Shay Cassidy Connections

Laurelai 'Laurie' Cassidy - Shay's younger sister, one of the stars of Shelly High's Volleyball and Basketball teams, mostly due to her height more than her skill. Shay became Laurie's legal guardian and raised her since she was eight.

Bunnee - Shay's first job off the farm, when she was 15 was waitressing at Bunnee's. Over the years, she's worked at Bunnee's as a waitress, on the food line, and as a repair/maintenance man. Bunnee throws her work when he can.

Chet Walker - A former deputy, he left the Sheriff's office after mysterious circumstances. A horn dog who is aggressive/assertive towards the prettier women in Shelly. Shay was a particularly favourite target, believing she just needed to find the right man to 'fix' her.


Coraline Hess - Fixed a busted water heater at one of Alexander Lee's cabins for her. Shay found the athletic newcomer rather appealing.

Ackley 'Ack-Ack' Heron - Shay renovated his remote cabin to make it habitable after he moved to Shelly. Did good work for someone who looks more like an Instagram model than a burly general contractor.

Lily Archer - Shay and Lili were friends as teens, with the older and more developed Shay taking the lead, until Shay dropped out to raise her sister after the Wildfire of 2012 (ish). Reconnected after Lili graduated, and their relationship grew intimate. Lili struck her superior officer, Deputy Chet Walker, when she found out he was sexually harassing Shay. Though she understood why, Shay didn't appreciate Lili 'white-knighting' for her, it wasn't anything she hadn't dealt with since she was an overdeveloped 11 or 12. It put a strain on their relationship, and even more when Lili decided to pursue opportunities outside of Shelly, where Shay couldn't follow due to her responsibilities to her sister.

The Sheriff's office didn't persecute Lili for her infraction, simply being released from the force, after the follow up investigation and inquiry produced evidence of Deputy Chet Walker's harassment of Shay. Chet Walker was dismiss from the force. To spare Shay, and to bury the Sheriff's office the embarrassment, Lili took the offer, but she couldn't stay afterward. Shay is a still a bit bitter that Lili left.

Andrew 'AJ' Carmody - AJ dated Shay's older sister Teagan when they were both in high school and star athletes. They separated amicably when AJ left for college. He knew Shay as a tween and Laurie as a toddler. When he returned home to take care of his family, he heard about the fire both from the papers, and from Anya, who'd had to treat victims at the hospital. He holds onto some regret for being unable to help Shay and Laurie back then. A year or two ago, he was coming home and it was the anniversary of the fire. He found Shay in her truck parked off the side of the road, a half empty bottle in her hand. He brought her to her home, and helped her inside. He left his name and number on a card, with an offer to come get her the next day to get her truck.

Edited by Asarasa
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AJ's connections

Fire Chief Logan Rand- Played football with Andy during highschool, but never really left Shelby.   He became a Firefighter and is currently the Fire Chief.  He and Andy rekindled their friendship once he moved back and have maintained it.

Angus Blakadar- A rancher with a fair amount of land South east of the city, AJ hunted deer on his property with his brother and father when he was younger.  He still has his ranch, which he still lets AJ hunt from.

Dr. Darren James "DJ" Sanders- another old friend from  school, He left to follow his dream job as a paleontologist.  He currently resides in Havre, MT, though he has traveled the world extensively.

John "Granite" Rock- Former Head game warden,  he would sometimes hunt with AJ and his family.   He'd often Joke it was the only way to make sure they stuck to the limit.

Retired Sheriff Donna Whitt-  AJ is her hand-picked sucessor, and she definitely helped guide his career.   

Bunnee- Still remembers when AJ played football fondly, seeing him and Teagan and the players after the games.   

Shay Cassidy- Shay's elder sister Teagan and AJ dated through high school,  but broke up amicably after they graduated. When he returned home to take care of his family he heard about the fire both from the papers, and from Anya, who'd had to treat victims at the hospital.   He holds onto some regret for being unable to help Shay and Laurie back then.   Later he was coming home and it was the anniversary of the fire.   He found Shay in her truck, a half empty bottle in her hand.   He brought her to her home, and helped her inside.  He left his name and number on a card, with an offer to come get her the next day to get her truck, which he did.

Edited by Shameless
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