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Rising Phoenix Gaming

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  • The New Age - A GURPS 4E Story
  • Chill - Tales of the Unknown
  • Three Leaves DnD 5E Campaign
  • Exalted - Legands of the North
  • Mage Revived
  • Code of Conduct Read in Rules Above


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If you have anything in a thread that would raise the content from a PG13 movie rating put a trigger/content warning in a spoiler at the top. Some examples: detailed intense personal violence/torture, sexual assault, gore, self-harm, the discussion of any of the already mentioned things in more than passing.


Your ST is someone that has really bad triggers on child harm, specifically. Realistic violence in visual media, but that's not nearly as much of a problem in the written format. I'm not saying you can't tell those stories, but if I check over a thread and end up with panic attacks, I can end up avoiding the game or site for an unknown amount of time. Not good for the game. Or I could be fine. Mental health issues suck and are at times kinda random. If there's a spoiler warning, I can gauge my 'can deal with it meter' and either opt-out (probably tagging in Dawn or someone else to read the thread, summarize it for me, and suggest XP awards) or decide I'm up for it and read. And this allows others with trigger issues the same option as well. 


Tag the smut just because there are those that have no interest in reading it but are following along with your character. It's polite. 


Character Creation Basics
Each player is allowed to have up to three PCs. PCs may be Talents, Psions, Novas, or if you really really want for some reason, a baseline human. Superiors will likely be opened up for play as the game progresses, so rules have been provided. Players are allowed three PCs at max, divided up as Low, Mid, and HIgh characters. Because of the wide desparity between templates, I'm listing out the template bumps for each individual type. All characters begin with two dots in one of their two paths since we're not doing Society Paths to begin with. Also, there expanded or altered rules for the three supers types in posts below this one. Please look them over before building your PC as the rules changes may affect the build.


  • Low Baselines begin play with the base human template. +80 XP
  • Mid Baselines begin play with the base human template. +150 XP
  • High Baselines begin play with the base human template and two dots of Paths. +275 XP


Note: Baseline characters can, through the course of play, become any of the three template characters. If this is intended from the start, it might be better to just build on the rules of the intended template and hold the supernatural abilities of character in reserve for the right moment in the story. However, if you intend to just play a baseline and maybe have something happen later on, build the baseline off these rules. You may bank XP for future expansion of the character, but you may not spend more XP on the baseline's eruption than would be allowed by their Low/Mid/High designation as if they were a new character. 



If you don't take a Society Path, the Talent gets two Gifts of their choice in the starting 4 instead of just one.

  • Low Talents Steps 5 & 6 as the template listed in the book. +45 XP
  • Mid Talents Steps 5 & 6 as the template listed in the book. Add a Facet and two Gifts. +105 XP 
  • High Talents Steps 5 & 6 as the template listed in the book. Add two Path dots, three Facet dots, and five gifts. +190 XP 



  • Low Superiors Step 5: no extra dots in their non-Forte Attributes, only one extra Skill Trick, 3 Forte Powers, and 2 other Powers. Step 6 as normal. +25 XP
  • Mid Superiors Step 5 & 6 as written in the book. +65 XP
  • High Superiors Step 5 as the template in the book, add two Attribute dots, 2 more Skill Tricks, two Path dots, 5 more Forte Powers, and 5 more other Powers. Step 6 as normal. +125 XP



  • Low Psions Steps 5 & 6 as the template listed in the book. +30 XP
  • Mid Psions Steps 5 & 6 as the template listed in the book. Add two primary Modes dots and one Mode dot in each of your of your Favored Aptitudes. +75 XP.  Psi cannot exceed 4.
  • High PsionsSteps 5 & 6 as the template listed in the book. Add two Path dots, five Primary Mode dots, three Mode dots in one Favored Aptitude and two in the other. Gain three dots of Psionic Edges. +155 XP. Psi may not exceed 5.



  • Low Novas Step 5 as in book, but no free Edge dot. Ignore Step 6. +75 XP Quantum rating may not exceed 3. 
  • Mid Novas Step 5 as in book, but no free Edge dot. Ignore Step 6. +150 XP Quantum rating may not exceed 4.
  • High Novas Step 5 as in book, but no free Edge dot. Ignore Step 6. Add two Path dots and two dots of Quantum. +250 XP Quantum rating may not exceed 5. 


These numbers actually equalize out the XP gains from various templates so all the options are running at the same XP level. Clearly not the same Tiers, but let's see how this plays out. If necessary, adjustments will be made and post will go up on if or how to change already existent characters. 


Advancement - XP Costs

Path 15 Gift 5 Forte Superior Power 4
Attribute 10 Path Gift 4 Other Superior Power 3
Skill 5 Facet 10  
Skill Trick 3 Psions Novas
Specialty 3 Psi Trait 10 Mega-Attribute 10
Edge 3 Psi Trait 6+ 20 Mega-Edge 5
Path Edge 2 Primary Mode 5 Power Tag 10
Enhanced Edge 10 Primary Mode 6+ 10 Quantum Edge 5
Fav. Approach Change 15 Favored Mode 7 Quantum Tech 10
Favored Mode 6 14 Quantum Trait 15
Standard Mode 10 Quantum Trait 6+ 30
Inferior Mode 15 Quantum Power



Character Submission
Send The Story Guide account your character submission as DR Character Submission: [PC Name]. Once your character is approved, create a thread with DR Character: [PC's Name] as the thread title. Post up the character sheet and the log for there character there. You can put background there, but there will also be a thread specifically for public knowledge profiles of characters. Please put your character's mechanics in your character account signature for easy access when writing. 

Buyer's Remorse
Our characters can surprise us, and the mechanics of a new game can end up not doing what we thought they would when we built the character. For these reasons, for the first three months of play with a character, I'm giving players pretty large leeway to change their character's mechanics or alter their backstory. This still needs to be run through with me in case it snarls up stuff already in play, but most of the time it should be little more than a 'hey, I wanna switch this around' and 'Okay! Update your sheet/backstory.' Also, don't forget the rules for tweaking the character. I'll allow tweaks once between plot threads and for the showing off using the tweaks to be done either in the plot thread or in non-plot threads. 


XP Gains
There will be a standard monthly 2 XP award for all characters that have been posted with. XP will also be awarded for completed free-range threads and an award for participants at the end of plot threads.


Code of Conduct
This is meant to be fun. Try to make sure everyone is actually enjoying it or try to work around personalities you find you clash with. If that's not possible because of some situation out of your control, contact me and I'll arbitrate. My arbitration is the final word on the matter. I don't want to ban people from the game, but if a pattern of disruptive behavior emerges I do reserve the right to do so. Hopefully this will be the only time it ever comes up.

Feel free to suggest other rules or ask questions here. I'll edit this post to keep the Rules up to date and easy to find.


General Rules Expansion

Society Path Edges
Path Edges with prereq's of setting specific organizations might be available depending on the background of your PC. Talk with me about how to acquire them if you're interested.


Skill Specialties and Tricks
You get one free Skill Trick at character creation that you can place wherever you want. When a skill hits 3, you get one free Specialty and one free Skill Trick. At dots four and five you may purchase an additional Specialty and Skill Trick.


There is no more Appearance stat in the game, which is good in general but can creation some disconnects. Here's my quick-and-dirty rules as a guideline for appearance: add your regular socials together and divide by three, round up. This is your effective Appearance rating. If you have Striking, that effectively raises the phantom appearance by 1, and can flavor the look as ugly or attractive or just noticeable.


Mega-App 1 is like another 10 of Appearance. MApp 2 is like +30, MApp 3 is +60, MApp 4 is +100, and MApp 5 is like +150 dots of more Appearance. Appearance 5, btw, is a Perfect 10 on the appearance scale. Those with App 5 and Striking have a "more perfect than perfect" appeal as they're sitting on a 12 out of a scale of 10 - and that used to be as beautiful as people could get. If you want your (or another) character's rating on that 1-10 scale, just double the number of dots of Appearance. 


I know this won't matter to many people, but it's a useful rule of thumb for who gets stared at first when people walk in the room. Or who gets remembered first if someone's making a report. Examples in spoiler:



Kyria: P3 + M3 + C2 = 8/3 = 3 + Striking = 4. MP1 + MM 1 + MC 1 = 3/3 = 1 Mega Appearance, which is 5 dots of Appearance. 4 x 2 + 10 = Appearance 18 out of 10. 
Karrie: 4 + 4 + 3 = 11/3 = 4 + Striking = 5. MP1 + MM 1 + MC 1 = 3/3 = 1 = +5. 5x2 + 10 = App 20 out of 10.
Ryan: 2 + 2 + 3 = 7/3 = 3 + Striking = 4. MC 1 = 1/3 (round up) = 1 = +5. 4x2 + 10 = App 18 out of 10.
Deezy: 3 + 1 + 1 = 5/3 = 2. 2x2 = App 4 out of 10.
Renata: 2 + 2 + 2 = 6/3 = 2. 2x2 = App 4 out of 10.


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Psionics Rules Expansion

Primary, Favored, Neutral, and Inferior Aptitudes
There are different rules for Psions in this game. A psion has a Primary Aptitude, two Favored Aptitudes, two Inferior Aptitudes, and rest are neutral.

  • Primary Aptitude: Confers extra inherent power. May be bought up to 7 dots. Costs 5 XP per dot from 1-5 and 10 XP per dot at 6 & 7.
  • Favored Aptitudes: Maybe bought up to Highest Primary Mode - 2. Costs 7 XP per dot. 
  • Neutral Aptitudes: May be bought up to HPM - 4 and costs 10 XP per dot.
  • Inferior Aptitudes: May only buy 1 dot for 15 XP. 


This effectively caps Favored Aptitudes at 5 and neutral ones at 3, but only after your character has invested well in at least one of the Primary Modes. Psionic dysfunction is still a thing, and applies within each Aptitude. To get the effects of combining multiple Aptitudes, you still need multiple psions and each only counts for providing their Primary Aptitude.


With the opening of psionic Aptitudes to more than just Primary and Auxiliary, we wanted to add a bit more spice to the inherent powers while also holding something in reserve for people's Primary Aptitudes.

The Enhancement Bonus listed under Primary Aptitude Bonus is only gained if that Aptitude is your character's Primary and is applied to all uses of the modes under the Primary.

The Mode Powers are gained when you take a dot in said mode even if that aptitude is not your primary.

Enhancements from the Primary Aptitude Bonus DO NOT STACK with Mode bonuses. 


Several of the Modes below list two powers, the second power is what is basically a fluff power, useful but not impactful. All modes have the capability of producing such low impact effects and I encourage you to use these as example to come up with your own.


Please feel free to offer suggestions or alternatives.




Basic Powers : Biosense, Form Mastery

Primary Aptitude Bonus: Gain Psi/2 (round up) in enhancements when using your Primary Aptitude


  1. Adaptation (Bruiser: Gain Mode/2 (round up) in extra bruised conditions.)
  2. Psychomorphing (Gain Mode/2 (round up)  in dots of Physical Edges  that you can move around in play once per scene.)
  3. Transmogrify (Gain Mode/2 (round up) Attribute Dots that can be placed in any attribute and can be moved once per scene. Dots gained may exceed the normal limit of 5)





Basic Powers : The Sight, Extended Attunement,

Primary Power Bonus: Gain Psi/2 (round up) in enhancements when using your Primary Aptitude


  1. Psychometry (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of the this power)
  2. Psycholocation (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of the Psycholocation power)
  3. Psychocognition (One with the Force: Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any action taken during combat.) (That Creepy Feeling: From the combination of noetic sensitivity and the development of the various Clairsentient Mode’s, a natural clear intuitively feels noetic connections to those observing her. Whether organic or mechanic in nature, when someone is watching a clear in real time, the clear can feel it.





Basic Powers: Burst, Sense Spectrum

Primary Power Bonus: Gain Psi/2 (round up) in enhancements when using your Primary Aptitude


  1. Electromanipulation (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power)(E.T. is Me: The character can focus the EM energies from his body to make some part of his flesh glow. The light is not a coherent laser and is no more powerful than torchlight, but you don’t need to remember batteries or lug about bundles of wood to make it through the dungeon.)
  2. Photokinesis (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power)
  3. Technokinesis (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power) (Check the Plug: The Electrokinetic can spend a point of psi to power a machine as if it were plugged into the appropriate power source. As machines and their power consumption vary wildly, it is left to the SG how long one Psi point lasts. A rule of thumb might be powering a laptop to type in a word program for ten minutes, or powering a hefty computer running multiple programs and using an internet connection for Techno Mode dots rounds per Psi point.)




Basic Powers: Distant Touch, Nudge

Primary Power Bonus: Gain Psi/2 (round up) in enhancements when using your Primary Aptitude


  1. Thermokinesis  (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power) (Thermometer: The psychokinetic is always aware of the precise temperature of their environment or whatever they are touching. It would take time to learn how to perfectly translate it to the Celsius, Fahrenheit, or Kelvin table, but once they knew the feeling of each degree on those tables they could do so flawlessly.)  
  1. Telekinesis (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power)
  2. Perikinesis (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power) (Teflon: The psychokinetic can exert a miniscule amount of Psi to slough off dirt, make-up and other small irritants from his skin or clothes - essentially, he can “bathe” himself and “wash” his clothing with a small psionic effort. Often psychokinetics do this subconsciously, giving them a continuously immaculate look even in the midst of battle or directly after.)



Basic Powers: Psi Cloak, Subquantum Sense

Primary Power Bonus: Gain Psi/2 (round up) in enhancements when using your Primary Aptitude


  1. Energetics (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power) (Gimme: The quantakinetic may absorb the energy in the area to grant himself one Psi point. He may only do this once per scene and the effect is highly noticeable as the area drops in temperature, brightness, and otherwise diminishes all forms of energy in the area at the moment of transfer.)
  2. Fundamentals (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power)
  3. Transmutation (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power) (Trademark: The quantakinetic can invest a small amount of Psi onto an object to mark an object as theirs. They may only have one such object marked at a time, but it counts as always having a psionic connection to the character and can be tracked anywhere. This doesn’t provide him insight into the object as Meloecular Scanning would, it’s simply a marked object now noetically tied to the quantakinetic.)




Basic Powers: Mind Scan, Mind Speak

Primary Power Bonus: Gain Psi/2 (round up) in enhancements when using your Primary Aptitude


  1. Rapport (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power) (Demur: Understanding the emotions of others and how to manipulate them gives the telepath insight into his own psyche. Any attempts to emotionally manipulate him suffers a -1 Complication, as they are both aware of and have greater control of their emotional state.)
  2. Mindshare (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power)
  3. Psychbending (Gain the Detached Psionic Edge)



Basic Powers: Spatial Sense, Spatial Integrity

Primary Power Bonus: Gain Psi/2 (round up) in enhancements when using your Primary Aptitude


  1. Translocation  (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power) (Home Base: You have one intimately well-known location you can always teleport to. This location can change, but only after time and effort on the teleporter’s side. Home Base needs to be, well, home territory for them.)
  2. Transmassion (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power)
  3. Transportal (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power) (Pickpoket: The teleportal may make small portals, no larger than the palm of a hand at most, to stick fingers through or just have small objects fall into. Only Small sized objects or smaller may move through, the portal ends must be in Close range of each other, and the Pickpocket portal only stays open for one round. Pickpocket costs no Psi to activate, but each use allows those near-by to make a Wits+Composure roll to notice the Pickpocket.)




Basic Powers: Kirlian Eye, Knit

Primary Power Bonus: Gain Psi/2 (round up) in enhancements when using your Primary Aptitude


  1. Iatrosis (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power) (Calm and Centered: Due to the nature of Iatrosis healing, the vitakinetic always has one Enhancement to resist mental or physical battering.)
  2. Augendis (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power)
  3. Algesis (Gain a number of Enhancements equal to Mode/2 (round up) that can be applied to any use of this power) (A vitakinetic focused on harming can see the weak spots in a living organism. They gain one Enhancement when attacking a person or creature they have touched before for non-psionic attacks.)






Psionics Rules Expansion

Primary, Favored, Neutral, and Inferior Aptitudes
There are different rules for Psions in this game. A psion has a Primary Aptitude, two Favored Aptitudes, two Inferior Aptitudes, and rest are neutral.

  • Primary Aptitude: Confers extra inherent power. May be bought up to 7 dots. Costs 5 XP per dot from 1-5 and 10 XP per dot at 6 & 7.
  • Favored Aptitudes: Maybe bought up to Highest Primary Mode - 2. Costs 7 XP per dot. 
  • Neutral Aptitudes: May be bought up to HPM - 4 and costs 10 XP per dot.
  • Inferior Aptitudes: May only buy 1 dot for 15 XP. 


This effectively caps Favored Aptitudes at 5 and neutral ones at 3, but only after your character has invested well in at least one of the Primary Modes. Psionic dysfunction is still a thing, and applies within each Aptitude. To get the effects of combining multiple Aptitudes, you still need multiple psions and each only counts for providing their Primary Aptitude.


With the opening up of psionic Aptitudes to more than just Primary and Auxiliary, I wanted to add a bit more spice to the inherent powers while also holding something in reserve for people's Primary Aptitudes. So, here we go and we'll see from play if this is overpowered, otherwise highly unbalanced, or just fine. The power listed under Primary Aptitude Power is only gained if the Aptitude is your character's Primary. The Mode Powers are gained when you take a dot in said mode. Please feel free to offer suggestions or alternatives, this is a new system and I sorta tried to be all over in the mechanics with stuff so we can see what's super-effective and what's fluff at best. 



  1. Primary Aptitude Power: Biosense
  2. Adaptation (Bruiser: Add a Bruised injury level.)
  3. Transmogrify (Form Mastery)
  4. Psychomorphing (Gain two dots of Physical Edges that you can move around in play once per scene.)



  1. Primary Aptitude Power: That Creepy Feeling: From the combination of noetic sensitivity and the development of the various Clairsentient Mode’s, a natural clear intuitively feels noetic connections to those observing her. Whether organic or mechanic in nature, when someone’s watching a clear in real time, the clear can feel it.
  2. Psychometry (The Sight)
  3. Psycholocation (Extended Attunement)
  4. Psychocognition (One with the Force: the character gains one “surprise round” in each combat that reflects her regularly reading just a few seconds into the future.) 



  1. Primary Aptitude Power: Burst
  2. Electromanipulation (E.T. is Me: The character can focus the EM energies from his body to make some part of his flesh glow. The light is not a coherent laser and is no more powerful than torchlight, but you don’t need to remember batteries or lug about bundles of wood to make it through the dungeon.)
  3. Photokinesis (Sense Spectrum)
  4. Technokinesis (Check the Plug: The Electrokinetic can spend a point of psi to power a machine as if it were plugged into the appropriate power source. As machines and their power consumption vary wildly, it is left to the SG how long one Psi point lasts. A rule of thumb might be powering a laptop to type in a word program for ten minutes, or powering a hefty computer running multiple programs and using an internet connection for Techno Mode dots rounds per Psi point.)



  1. Primary Aptitude Power: Distant Touch
  2. Thermokinesis (Thermometer: The psychokinetic is always aware of the precise temperature of their environment or whatever they’re touching. It would take time to learn how to perfectly translate it to the Celsius, Farenheit, or Kelvin table, but once they knew the feeling of each degree on those tables they could do so flawlessly.)
  3. Telekinesis (Nudge)
  4. Perikinesis (Teflon: The psychokinetic can exert a miniscule amount of Psi to slough off dirt, make-up and other small irritants from his skin or clothes - essentially, he can “bathe” himself and “wash” his clothing with a small psionic effort. Often psychokinetics do this subconsciously, giving them a continuously immaculate look even in the midst of battle or directly after.)


  1. Primary Aptitude Power: Subquantum Sense
  2. Energetics (Gimme: The quantakinetic may absorb the energy in the area to grant himself one Psi point. He may only do this once per scene and the effect is highly noticeable as the area drops in temperature, brightness, and otherwise diminishes all forms of energy in the area at the moment of transfer.)
  3. Fundamentals (Psi Cloak)
  4. Transmutation (Trademark: The quantakinetic can invest a small amount of Psi onto an object to mark an object as theirs. They may only have one such object marked at a time, but it counts as always having a psionic connection to the character and can be tracked anywhere. This doesn’t provide him insight into the object as Meloecular Scanning would, it’s simply a marked object now noetically tied to the quantakinetic.)



  1. Primary Aptitude Power: Mindscan
  2. Rapport (Demur: Understanding the emotions of others and how to manipulate them gives the telepath insight into his own psyche. Any attempts to emotionally manipulate him suffers a -1 Complication, as they are both aware of and have greater control of their emotional state.)
  3. Mindshare (Mindspeak)
  4. Psychbending (Gain the Detached Psionic Edge)



  1. Primary Aptitude Power: Spatial Sense
  2. Translocation (Home Base: You have one intimately well-known location you can always teleport to. This location can change, but only after time and effort on the teleporter’s side. Home Base needs to be, well, home territory for them.)
  3. Transmassion (Spatial Integrity)
  4. Transportal (Pickpoket: The teleportal may make small portals, no larger than the palm of a hand at most, to stick fingers through or just have small objects fall into. Only Small sized objects or smaller may move through, the portal ends must be in Close range of each other, and the Pickpocket portal only stays open for one round. Pickpocket costs no Psi to activate, but each use allows those near-by to make a Wits+Composure roll to notice the Pickpocket.)



  1. Primary Aptitude Power: Kirlian Eye
  2. Iatrosis (Calm and Centered: Due to the nature of Iatrosis healing, the vitakinetic always has one Enhancement to resist mental or physical battering.)
  3. Augendis (Knit)
  4. Algesis (A vitakinetic focused on harming can see the weak spots in a living organism. They gain one Enhancement when attacking a person or creature they have touched before for non-psionic attacks.)
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Nova Rules Expansion

I went through the Kickstarter Manuscript, pulled out all the mechanics I could find and formatted/actually made tables. I also revamped how many of the Mega-Edges work and are discussed. Some powers were also altered, expanded, or created from Mega-Edges that shouldn't have been tied to a Mega-Attribute. I'll be auditing people's character sheets and giving the new XP total. Most people should have XP refunded and if there is any XP debt, it just can sit until enough XP is accrued to cover it. Look for my PMs. 


The document is linked to this post. Lemme know in Discord or through PM if you can't get to it. Divine Right Aberrant 2e

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Talent Rules Expansion

So, in this game there is a pretty small pool of Inspiration and most Gifts cost per use. What I'm going to try first is giving Talents two equal pools: one for powering Gifts and the other for Dramatic Editing. We'll see how that works and adjust again if needed. 

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  • Malachite unpinned this topic
  • 4 months later...

Clarifying Armor Rules for Divine Right.


Soft Armor is Armor Rating.  All armor by default has the Soft Armor 1 tag. The Soft Armor 2 tag only adds +1 to the initial rating for a total of Armor Rating 2.


Armor from powers generally give a scale of 1 and an armor rating of a Stat or power/2 (rounded up) for a Rating of 1-3, soft 1 is built into this rating so only the tag soft 2 has any effect and this adds +1 to the rating for a range of 2-4. Note that powers often add to scale of the armor as well.


Unless noted in an Armors description all character worn armor is scale 1. Vehicle Armor is usually the same Scale as the vehicle but may be higher or lower.


The results of Armor scale only apply to the  cause damage stunt. Scale does not stack and only the highest Scale applies.


Only armor from different sources stack as follows.

1 source of  Worn Armor (generally the highest, but not always) + Armor Rating from any/all different edges and mega edges + armor Rating from any/all different active powers. If applicable the Armor rating of Cover* may stack as determined by the storyteller.


This can conceivably create incredibly high armor ratings which can often only be overcome by teamwork.


Injury Boxes from all sources of Hard Armor stack. Armor Injury Condition Boxes should be tracked separately from the Character Injury Condition Boxes, not added to them as some damage sources may bypass Hard Armor.


* Cover usually adds to defense however in some circumstances, such as an enemy shoot through a wall or into a vehicle, the covers inherent Armor Rating should be applied, in full or part, to the Characters Armor Rating.

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  • 2 months later...

Skill Specialization.


In RAW all skill specialization does is allow you to gain an enhancement on other skills that you use that can benefit from your knowledge of the specialized skill. while that is all and good it is also underwhelming in that RAW offers nothing for the use of the skill itself.


This has been the consensus of the various forum users in both Story Path systems (Scion, and Trinity) and there have been several 'suggestions' for how to make specializations more useful. Most are overly complicated and some are over powered.


I like the RAW rule as it is creative, but i also think that being specialized should aid the skill in questions use as well. Therefor in my games (both Scion and Trinity based) Specialization gives the benefit as found in RAW and in addition it adds one dice to your dice pool when using the actual skill that is specialized.

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Chance, luck, destiny is a force gathers behind heroes and is rep­resented by Momentum. This is a resource that players can spend to affect the game on a dramatic level. The characters themselves aren’t normally aware of Momentum, but in­stead put its effects down to Fate or good luck.


Momentum in my Storypath games (Scion, Trinity, etc.) is an individual character resource not a joint pool as it is in other Storypath games.


Each character begins each new scene with momentum equal to the number of players in the same scene. Characters who are alone in a scene start each scene with 1 Momentum + their Power score (Quantum, Inspiration, Psi, etc.). Whenever a player receives Momentum as a Consolation, she adds 1 Momentum to her own Momentum Pool. A character can have a maximum momentum pool equal to 2X beginning momentum score. If a character’s Power is 0-1 her maximum Momentum when solo is 3.  The momentum Pool is reset at the beginning of each scene as defined by the storyteller.


A character can only spend up to one half of her available Momentum on any given action.



Momentum can activate Skill Tricks, add dice equal to Momentum spent to a dice pool, or enable additional attempts at complex actions (p. 77). Skill Tricks are the cool things characters can do that make other people drop their jaws. Information on how to use these and what they can do starts on p. 45.


All players can spend Momentum in the following


• Add Dice. A player can spend 1 Momentum per die to add a single die to a dice pool, before it is rolled.

• Add Interval. A player can spend 3 Momentum to add another interval to a complex action, giving the characters more time in which to work.

• Activate Skill Tricks. If a player has a Skill Trick that requires spending Momentum, they may spend it.


Momentum expenditure does not need other player approval


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  • 4 weeks later...

Good morning students and acolytes


Today we are going to discuss one of the major components of the Story Path Combat.




Stunts are the meat and potatoes of this systems combat. In case you hadn’t noticed, it is only possible to do one damage condition per hit without reverting to stunts and even then you can only do one additional if you have enough extra enhancements for the critical stunt. But damage is not the end all be all of the combat in Story Path, no siree, it is not.


Stunts which are bought with extra enhancements after establishing a hit, offer a huge variety of conditions and effects, that can be just as vital to winning as straight damage.


Blinding, Disarm, Grapple (both establish and Breakout) Feint (possible the most important Stunt for group play), knockdown/trip, seize, shove, sunder, and those are just from the close combat section of the core book.


You can buy as many stunts per turn as your enhancements allow but you can only buy each one once in a given turn.


You can even make up your own stunts like Asa did to use Seans Gravity to enhance Brigits upcoming attack. It was a clever use of the power which is mechanically like a feint but unique.


Use stunts to enhance your combat, yes, it is costly but as we move out of these beginning stages you will find that there are more enhancements available than the dice indicate. Always remember Momentum, always remember that you can push or max your powers. Don’t be afraid to do more than your sheet says you can do.


Everyone should have read the combat section and should be familiar with the stunts. Yes the system is similar to the old WW Storyteller system but this is one of the major difference and from observing the two combats in both Scion and DR. I think a bunch of you think in the back of your minds that your still playing the old system.


Anyway, enough soapbox

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Nova’s kind of get shafted.


Sure Psions have to keep their modes balanced or go crazy but to avoid that all they have to do is keep their modes balanced.  Talents do not have anything holding them back that I see, not really. But Novas, well Novas must push their powers to be able to increase them. Fair Enough, but then when they push they get flux, get ten flux you get a point of transcendence, get ten transcendence you turn into an npc monster.


Yeah Nova players kind of get shafted.


Yes it is possible to lower flux but it is a pain in the ass especially in PbP games when everything is already slow due to the time requirement of waiting for posts.


Since raising powers is directly tied to the Maxing out mechanic, we have to address Flux.


Flux IMO is really nothing more than a gate-keeping mechanism used to reinforce the games base setting. As you all know I hate the base setting and generally throw out everything about it when I run these games. Flux and transcendence would have been some of those things. However, this late in the game I am not going to make that drastic of a change, but I am going to focus on a work around to the potential of losing your Nova.




The major way of reducing Flux, Grounding, has no real way of being played out in PBP since so much of our play is just basic narrative. Therefore it is my intention of having a characters Grounding take place off screen between stories. This is a bennie. Any accumulated Flux acquired below 10 is removed by grounding between stories. At a rate of one week in world per point.


Another way of reducing Flux is a New Mechanic which I shall name Shunting. Anytime during an Active story Thread when you are going to receive a point of flux through maxing out the character may attempt to Shunt the flux though herself and back into the Quantum Flux where it comes from. Spend one of the successes gained by a successful Maxing out and pay 10xp to neutralize a single point of Flux.


If your character is active in a story but not engaged in action, she may decide to take time to attempt to shunt her flux away on purpose, however this does carry a danger. Make a maxing out roll using Quantum and any quantum power of your choice. You may then spend any successes over the first  (which is used to cancel the flux you would have received from maxing out but at no xp cost) You may spend as many extra successes as possible to shunt more flux but each additional point shunted costs 10 xp. If you fail the max out roll you gain Flux as normal. Shunting rolls do not count as maxing out a power for the purpose of advancing the power.



This is the biggie get ten of these and your character is fucked. But realistically she is fucked long before she gets to ten with all the transformations she has to take on the way. So lets look at this in the order they come.


In character creation you are allowed to take Transcendence to buy your powers at half cost. I will allow the Buying off of Transcendence taken in this way. The cost in XP is equal to 2.5 X the original savings per dot. So, if you bought one dot with Transcendence that saved you 5 xp it will cost 15 XP to buy off the Transcendence, 2 dots would cost you 30xp. You still retain any transformations received from the Transcendence, but those T-points no longer count toward your future removal. You may also buy off the Transcendence you gained if you used transcendence to buy Quantum, however only the t-point from buying the dot is removed, you still retain the automatic dot you get if you got one for having 4 or more Quantum.


The Chrysalis rules in this edition are more balanced and just overall better than in 1st edition. One of the effects of chrysalis is to allow you to trade your flux in for a transformation. While I am not yet ready to introduce the full-blown Chrysalis effect since not enough time has passed since the Nova’s appearance on the scene what I am going to do is introduce the first step in the process as a natural stepping stone.


Whenever a character would receive a point of Transcendence from Accumulating flux she may undergo a meditative state that will force a transformation but not build Transcendence. This will cost 20 XP unless the character has the Nova Edge Chrysalis. Note that at this time the Nova Edge Chrysalis is not open for purchase however if you have used this option to avoid Transcendence before the edge is available when it becomes available you will automatically gain it for free.


Raising Powers and Quantum.

In raw  Maxing out has a relationship with nova advancement — just like a bodybuilder has to stress muscles to promote growth, a nova has to max-out in order to gain power.


To spend Experience to improve a nova trait, the nova must have maxed it out at least once since the last improvement. To spend Experience to acquire a Mega-Attribute, Mega-Edge, or Quantum Power, the nova must have acquired it at least once by maxing out, so the nova understands how to get to that level of achievement. To spend Experience to improve Quantum rating, the nova must have maxed out a power at least a number of times equal to the current rating since the last increase (so once for Quantum 1 to 2, twice for 2 to 3, and so on). There’s no “playing it safe” when it comes to the growth of nova powers — you must push past your limits and take a risk. Of course, novas who max out too frequently risk accumulating enough Flux to lead to further Transcendence and Transformations.

I see no reason to change these rules except for a couple of items.


First, it is possible that a character may want to raise a powers level but had no chance while in an active story to use that particular power. In this case you may spend xp on this power you did not max out in the current story during the down time between the end of the story and the next.

Raising Quantum, I am making an additional requirement. To raise Quantum over 5 you must have also raised a number of powers, Mega- Att, or M-edges equal to the your current Q score since you last raised your q-score.


In either case you may only raise a given power or other stat by one dot per xp period.

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Remember our characters were built using Mala's re-work of the Aberrant powers rules. Do not use the actual book for Nova Related upgrades to Powers and things as it i will mess up your characters.


Always Use Mala's game re-work


Also on the same subject. Replace the entry on the Tag Technique with this version in the re-work doc.


Technique (1): This power tag means the underlying power can be used to duplicate the effects of a different power, such as using Quantum Anima for a Quantum Attack, or using an existing Quantum Attack to create a new Quantum Attack with different tags (and therefore effects). The Technique cannot have more dots or power tags than the original power and must include the Technique tag to be part of a Power Suite (p. 66) for that power. The cost of this Tag is 12XP not 10XP due to it’s special nature.


thank you

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