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A Wellspring of Regret


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Kathra gave the tracks a close look, studying their breadth and length and the spacing between them. She grunted and straightened up. "Save the tales for later," she said in a low voice, giving the Eladrin a wry grin. "These don't look like the boots of dwarves, and even less likely, goblin. Man-tread, most like, perhaps those of hobs or more civilized orcs, but most likely those of humans. And humans are capable of anything."

The witch bound to the Grugarch got a sharp look. "Seems like we were heard. Be wary, all."

Then the big dwarf woman started down the tunnel, shield and hammer held at the ready.

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They moved cautiously, slowly, down the tunnel, the only sound their soft foot falls, their breathing and the sputtering of the torches placed ever ten or fifteen feet. The passed five of the torches and could see the tunnel curving ahead to the left. There was no torch before the curve but dim flickering could be made out beyond.


They paused and Kathra crept slowly forward, stopped and cocked her head to listen. She was still for several seconds then motioned her friends forward. She had heard nothing.


Kathra and Brarga were creeping forward together, Marida few yard behind with the witch and behind them the Eladrin followed by Tooli and Antares further back.


Kathra and Brarga made the curve and were surprised by the four leather clad humans lying in wait for them some 30 feet down the tunnel, all with crossbows aimed toward them!


Four bows are triggered and bolts fly at the two warriors! Two bolts bounce off Katha's shield while Brarga deflects one with his axe and takes one in his shoulder!



The humans ar 2 abreast withthe front two kneeling and the rear two some 5 feet behind then standing.  Brarga takes 1HP


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"Yes, they heard us!" Kathra growled after the pair of impacts on her shield. She glared at the humans above the rim of the Ultov Wall. "Defilers of Dwarven Holds! You'll regret your trespasses!"

Kathra charged the line of crossbowmen, short legs pounding the ground with metronomic regularity. Ten feet short of reaching them, she barked one of the words graven on her Vow and disappeared in a flash of silver light, reappearing behind the humans, shield arm near one of the walls and warhammer swinging for the leftmost crossbowman, one mighty stroke, and then a second.



Move Action: Move 20 feet towards the crossbowmen

Bonus Action: Cast Misty Step to teleport behind the line of crossbowmen

Standard Action: Attack one of the crossbowmen at the end of the line

Attacks: [2 1d20+8] Rolls:
[14] Result: 22 - Hit
[5] Result: 13 - Probably a Miss

Damage: [2 1d8+5] Rolls:
[4] Result: 9 bludgeoning damage
[5] Result: 10 bludgeoning damage (if second attack was a hit)


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Kathra's charge and sudden disappearance then reappearance caught the men by surprise. The man she attacked from behinds went down in a spray of blood and bone. The one nearest her swung his crossbow at the dwarf and the other two drop theirs drew short swords and with a cry charged at Brarga!



none of the blows hit


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Brarga was grateful for the size of the tunnel, it would let him swing his axes freely.   As the two humans charged him swinging short swords of all things, deftly dodging blows with an agility one wouldn't expect from a warrior like him.  It was a mistake they'd likely not live to regret, as the steel blades of his axes flashed in the light, even as he swung twice at each of them.   Steel backed by dragonborn muscle  parted leather, bone and flesh with ease, spraying blood over the walls as Brarga felled his foes in a burst of violence they clearly hadn't expected.



attack rolls  13, 23,23,19  damage rolls if all those hit 9,13,12,12


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Maighan stepped around the corner, surveyed the carnage left in the wake of Kathra and Brarga, and carelessly strummed her lyre. Nearly invisible ripples radiated out through the air, converging on the sole survivor as if the music itself were attacking. One sour note kicked dust from the wall behind him, but the other lashed across his face, leaving a bleeding line, like a lash might.


"Maybe we should leave him alive," Maighan suggested. "He can go proclaim our coming to his fellows."



Eldritch blast, 1 hit and 1 natural 1 miss, lol... The hit does 2 force damage.


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The Mercenary recoiled from the unseen lash of Maighan's song. Using his crossbow as a shield to ward off Kathra, he stepped back turning to place his back against the wall. 


"No need Elf, They already know, we were the delaying tactic. THAT WHICH IS DEAD, CANNOT DIE AGAIN, BUT LIVES FOREVER IN THE ETERNAL FLAME!"


As the last sound of his shout echos in the tunnel he bursts into flame from within, a flame so hot Kathra must step back and turn away, as the man is consumed. Then the fallen bodies also burn perhaps not as hot but still hot enough to leave naught but cinder and ash.


Down the tunnel, about 20 feet away, a great whoosh is heard and the tunnel is filled with flame, a wall of fire blocking their way forward.


Beyond the flames they could hear the sounds of more men, the rattle of arms and the clanking of heavy armor.



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Brarga sighed.  "Fine, we do this the fun and painful way then."   He looked at his comrades, Can anyone do anything about the flames, or if not that,  protect everyone else from them?"  Kathra knew that he was resistant to flames in general, and for a short while he could even become fully immune to the effects.  "We don't have long, so we must act quickly."  It was clear he was ready to charge through the flames, and brave whatever was waiting, knowing it wasn't going to be easy or pleasant, but the longer they tarried, the harder it was going to be to survive.

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Kathra frowned at the fire and the exhortation to the 'eternal flame'. In a place of her people, it sounded almost like a perversion of their faith in the Forge Mother.

"Was not expecting such as this from those skulking about the ruins of a fallen Dwarf Hold," Kathra agreed, feeling the heat of the flames against her face as she held her shield and warhammer at the ready, straining to see beyond the flickering light at what awaited them. "I can't do aught for the flames specifically, but I can steady our arms and resolve."

She clashed her warhammer against her shield, which resonated with a golden tone as she invoked another of the words engraven on her Vow, and her companions felt invigorating power settle upon their shoulders and souls.

Jade eyes hardened as Kathra waited for the flames to fall, or if need be, to charge through them and brave the pain.



Casting Bless, using a 2nd level slot, affecting Kathra, Brarga, Marida, and Maighan. They all get to add 1d4 to Attack Rolls (not Damage) and Saving Throws.


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A quick strategy meeting was held, and Maighan revealed she could send first Kathra and then either Marida or  herself through the flames after Kathra cast her own spell on them all.   Brarga nodded.  "Good, I'll go do my part, and you'll surprise them."  he spoke quietly, and then began the process.  He called upon the power of the draconic blood flowing through his veins, his body wreathed in a red-orange aura not unlike fire itself, and with his axes drawn began his charge through the flame-filled corridor.   It wasn't quiet by any means and he knew that they'd be set up and ready for him, so he'd have to get in there quickly to smash their formation so the others could follow.

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