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We will run combat in this thread due to the nature of how initiative can work. everyone will roll there initiative dice then post number of sux here. I will then list the action order.


Each player rolls the lower of Athletics + Cunning or  Empathy + Dexterity. These dice pools are designed to factor in both physical reaction time and perceptual processing speed.


The number of successes each player generates is his character’s order of action. On your turn you may act, or you may pass your action to another player who has not yet acted. If you pass your action to another you still get to act but only after everyone else has acted or if you are designated by someone else. This is to allow power and stunt set ups.


In the case of if one or more characters having the same number of sux on initiative, determine the tie breaker by how many dice were in each pool. If the number is still tied, I will set the order.


once we have the order we will go down the list here make relevant rolls and declarations of stunts and what have you one the active character is finished with the rolls and the outcome has been determined then that character can post in the story thread and we will move onto the next active character.

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action order as follows









So ryan is up first he can act or pass his actin to another character and go to the end of the line. this is where strategy comes in

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Ryan will pass his action to Deezy, with the idea that she can make whatever ammo grace will need.  My suggestion would be to make the ammo, then pass to Sean who might increase gravity to slow the creature, before passing to Grace and Brigit to attack   

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Deezy will use Transmutation on the wrecked ship to create a great many large slugs of lead jacketed with a layer of tungsten designed to help it penetrate armor more effectively.


She's rolling 5 dice for intelligence, 5 for Transmutation, and has Mega Int 5 to grant enhancements...


Rolls 2 successes, plus MegaInt enhancements. Difficulty isn't too bad because she's only working with a simple composition of 2 substances. Should leave her with plenty of successes to convert a lot of the ship's mass into ammo for Grace.


And then she hides behind the ship, because yeah she has protection, but she is still quite smol.


# 51 Details:[10d10 (2 6 3 2 5 3 10 6 9 5)]

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay. For this I may need to work with you. Deezy is thinking a creature native to the deep sea may not use it's eyes very well...so she thinks it might be using echolocation either instead of vision or to supplement vision. To that end, she wants to build a device that can emit very loud sounds in a tunable frequency range that includes the echolocative signals of other large marine wildlife. The idea being that having its sense messed with could impair it's ability to fight, and potentially even drive it away...depending on what it wants in the first place.


As far as machinery goes, it's not complicated, but it'd have to be fairly large to get the kind of volume she wants...and of course, in Aberrant anything more complicated than 'a couple of different types of materials' is equally hard to create with Transmutation. 🙂  I mostly just want to check in with you and see if you want Deezy to have to run through any of the steps of gadget building for it. This isn't novatech or anything like that. Basically just a giant speaker, a large amplifier with a self contained power supply like a really big battery, and a little bit of electronics required to tune the output to the right frequency. And she has plenty of material to work with, so no need to ex nihilo anything. I'll get on as early as I can tomorrow and confer.

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Okay, just for the record, i still believe that you are fundamentally using the transformation power incorrectly, but since it was how you and Mala set it up we will stick with it. at least in Deezy's case, anyone else taking the power will not have Deezy's ability with it.


you will need to make an extended task covering... design the item in your head will require a Int+tech  test. 2 successes needed due to the complication of being in combat. then implementation which is a quantum+Transmutaion test 5 successes needed. Normally it would take several rounds to do this but if you spend 2 momentum you can try it in one round. you might want to spend additional momentum on the transformation roll.


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no we will leave it for deezy. doing it the way I read the power would fundamentally change her. its just easier and even story wise okay that we keep it for her they way you have been doing it. My note was mainly for anyone else wanting the power.


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sorry took so long to get this back on track


deezy is working on a creation which will take her a round or two..


Grace is up


the creature goes between grace and Brigit


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  • 2 weeks later...

Post the results of your defense roll here. the defense is equal to your successes from your resilience roll + your base defense. you can add all of your successes or you can use some to buy a defense stunt.


thank  you

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Sean's Defense Roll:  4 (Composure) = 

!roll 4d10t7ie10

Asarasa Roll: [9, 7, 3, 1] Result: 2 + 1 for Defense = 3 Successes, at Scale 4


Using Roll Away to fly a Range Band further away from the Beast, if Sean has enough successes. If there are any left over, apply them to defense.

Edited by Asarasa
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Deezy resists with Resolve, factoring in +1 dice for the protective field in her q-tech suit.


!roll 5d10ie10t7

Dice Maiden
 — Today at 11:17 AM
SalmonMax Roll: [10, 7, 6, 3, 2], [5] Result: 2


2 successes + 1 defense, 4 mega-resolve to scale it up.

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