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4h7QqTz.jpgName: Rochele “Roach” McKendrick

Age: 15

Height: 5' 3"    Weight: 108lbs 

Eyes: Brown   Hair: Brown

Hero Points: 2         XP: 0



_ 7    Strength (Str) +0

_ 9   Dexterity (Dex) +1

_ 8    Endurance (End) +0

_12   Intelligence (Int) +2

_ 6    Education (Edu) +0

_ 5    Social Standing (Soc)  -1







Computer 2, Drive 0, Carousing 1, Deception 1, Repair 1



HACKER - Prerequisite: Computer 1 - The character is an accomplished hacker who dares to challenge even the most perfect, immortal machine. When trying to break into a securer computer system or when picking an electronic lock (or similar device), the hacker throws with Advantage.

SLEIGHT OF HAND - Prerequisite: Deception 1 - The character is a practiced expert at magic tricks, palming, and legerdemain misdirection. When using the Deception skill in this manner, roll with Advantage.

STRONG WILLED - Rolls with Advantage vs threats, intimidation, coercion, fear etc.


Roach can't wait to grow up, and it shows. She does her best to dress older, using lots of makeup, dying her hair, getting bling and hoping one day to get an actual tattoo. It doesn't work very well though. Roach's growth spurt left her skinny and gangly and she's only just starting to fill back in. In terms of fashion she tends towards inexpensive clothing, as she can be hard on it. T-shirts and tanktops that can easily have grease or oil washed off, and that are cheap to replace, under a sky blue windbreaker that's a little too short in the sleeves now. Roach is saving up for a cool leather jacket, but still has a ways to go. Her jeans invariably wind up being shorts in short order, as their knees don't hold out under her constant assault of crawling around to get under or behind things.

Rochelle has always been a handful; quick to learn, quick to judge. Always testing boundaries and looking for ways to get away with things. Her dad, formerly an auto mechanic, bonded with her over their shared love of 'ripping things apart and putting them together,' starting with cars, though she quickly moved on to other devices as well. When she was ten years old, her father was in an automobile accident that left him partially paralyzed in his legs, and his right arm. Between the medical bills and the loss of income, the McKendrick family had some hard years ahead of them. Roach's mother had a job, and her father had disability to help, but they had to tighten their belts more than was comfortable even so.


These tough times were when Roach really started acting out more...stressed out by the stress at home, feeling alone and neglected and resentful, Rochelle started getting into trouble with petty crimes like trespassing and shoplifting and discipline problems at school. Later on she didn't get caught as much, but that was more because she'd refined her techniques than because she'd improved her outlook. To try to give her something to keep her occupied, her parents got her a secondhand computer when she went into middle school, and for a time it seemed like the plan had worked. In reality, it simply gave her a new tool. Rochelle found on the computer a sort of freedom that only made reality all the more frustrating. She took to it with the same voraciousness that she had engines and springs and gears, finding online mentors and guides to help.


By the time she started high school, Rochelle had convinced herself that she didn't need any of this. Let her dad sit around and be too glum (and injured) to come out and tinker on cars with her. Let her old friend Quinn decide horses were more interesting than her. Let her mom turn into a screechy, angry stressed out demon-lady. All these rules and controls were just obstacles; just people trying to slow her down. Nothing that happened in Blainesville mattered because the day she hit eighteen, she was out of there. She'd get out to the coast, to Silicon Valley, wow everyone with her mad skills and then she'd die from literally choking on all her money while rolling in the pile of it she keeps in her seven car garage, full of supercars.



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Name: Jordan 'She-Hulk/The Giant' Johansson
Tagline: Bigger is better!
Concept: Teen Amazon

Relatives: Grant Johansson (Father, 52 - Former Navy mechanic and amateur boxer, currently a steel mill foreman in Ivy Log; 5'9''), Skye Johnasson (Mother, 47 - Former Triathlete, currently an IT and programming consultant; 5'9''), Aidan Johansson (Brother, 22 - Works at the steel mill with their father, lives with fiancée ; 5'8''), Ryland Johansson (Brother, 20 - Travelling abroad overseas; 5'10''), Keith and Craig Johansson (Brothers, twins, 18 - Seniors, and on the football team; 5'7''), Brianna Talbot (Aidan's fiancée, 22 - College Student, works retail; 5'1'') 

Pale blond hair, blue eyes, and pretty, Jordan has always been an active and athletic girl and rather muscular for her age. But where her father and four older brothers tend towards stockiness, due to genetic condition, after an extended and dramatic growth spurt the year before last, Jordan now towers at least half a foot taller than any of them and possesses the physical and muscular development of a woman a decade older. She stands a strapping, statuesque, and imposing 6'5'' with broad shoulders, thickly muscled arms, hard 8-pack abs, incredibly long, powerful legs, with thickly muscled thighs that she loves to show off, and full, very firm breasts.

Despite her considerable size, Jordan moves with feline grace, powerful and smooth, and exudes vigorous health and energy. Loves all sports and athletic endeavours - destroys it in basketball and volleyball - but doesn't always have the singular discipline to focus on just one, and prefers track & field, rather than team sports. Used to be in gymnastics, but after her explosive growth, has been far more focused on CrossFit and Track & Field, specifically events that make up the Heptathlon.

Intimidating and Imposing, strapping and statuesque, drawing so much attention, Jordan has gone from generally laconic and reserved, to more outgoing and social, enjoying and proud of her unique, Amazonian appearnce, and unconsciously a bit of a showoff, being far more active on her Instagram now. Growing up roughhousing with four older brothers, when on the track or sports field, Jordan is cheerfully and uncompromisingly competitive and intent. Usually dresses for ease of movement, mostly in cut-off shorts and tight crop tops, or stretchy sports wear - it isn't easy finding clothes for a girl her size, if it just coincidentally flatters and showcases her curves and physique...






Jordan's father is a former amateur boxer and mechanic in the navy, who is now a foreman in the steel mill in Ivy Log. Her mother is a retired triathlete who now works as an IT and programming consultant, usually from home. Jordan is the youngest of five children, and the only girl, though that didn't change much how her older brothers treated her... that is, until her hormones went out of control and she growing bigger and stronger than them, and the exuberant roughhousing started turning in her favour.

An athletically enthusiastic family, the Johanssons have a plethora of exercise and weightlifting equipment, some homemade from scraps from the Steel Mill, other accrued from friends and acquaintances from Skye's Olympic and Professional Triathletic aspirations. Mildly dyslexic, which makes reading and academics a chore and difficult for her, but always sporty and athletic, Jordan fell naturally into the jock stereotype she excelled in, and even more so as she developed her extreme physique. With physical maturity beyond her actual years, Jo also found herself thrust into social circles she wasn't prepared for, diving in with excited and thrilling gusto, but finding out there were currents and rapids there to drag her down.

Last year, as a Freshman she was dating a Senior, Dexter Fox - captain of the Basketball team - but they broke up when he graduated. Dexter took her down hard, with boastful condescension, and Jo realized just how much he had taken advantage of her naivete. She might have been taller, stronger, more developed than any of the senior girls, and prettier than most, but she still been an inexperienced Freshman and at the end, Dexter had forced her to see it. 

She wasn't going to let that happen again.

Jordan has a huge two year old Kangal Shepherd Dog named Banner who she takes running with her all the time.





Name: Jordan “Jo” Johansson

Age: 16

Height: 6’ 5”       Weight: 231 lbs           Eyes: Dark Blue                            Hair: Pale Blond

Hero Points:  2                     XP: 0


_11   Strength (Str) +1

_ 9   Dexterity (Dex) +1

_ 10  Endurance (End) +1

_ 7    Intelligence (Int) +0

_ 6    Education (Edu) +0

_ 5    Social Standing (Soc)  -1





Computer 1, Drive 0, Streetwise 0. Athletics 2, Carousing 1, Melee Combat 1



Born Athlete – Strength.  Make all Athletics tests that involve strength with Advantage.

Hardy * – Jo is particularly tough and resistant to injury. +5 to stamina for each level of this trait.
Fast Healing -- (Prerequisite: END 9+) The character recovers on their own from a Minor Wound within 1D hours (rather than a day) in the absence of treatment, and from a serious wound within 3D days of medical care. 


Edited by Asarasa
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Name- Henry Alan "Hank"  Leesford
Age- 16
Archetype - High Schooler
Concept- The Scout
Equipment-  Pickup (conditional), Hunting and fishing equipment, Cell phone, camping supplies, first aid kit
Tagline- "I gotcha covered."

Henry Alan Leesford's a good example of an average young man in Blairsville, Georgia.    Not overly tall at  six feet even, He's healthy but not an athlete or fitness nut.   While he's no stranger to gaming of most kinds, he feels the call of the wild more than most modern teens.   As a boy scout from an early age, he's brutally honest, upright, and steadfast, and likes to think he's always prepared for just about anything and is fairly self sufficient and able to cook well enough.  Thanks to his scout training he's fairly good at jurry-rigging means of doing things, and always seems to have whatever he needs close at hand.  Due to being a scout and being left to his own devices and having to watch over his younger sisters, he took an interest in medicine, and even going so far as having recently earned his CPR training certificate.      His grades are somewhat better than average, he applies himself to his studies, but he's not a natural genius or anything like that.

 His Father, James Leesford runs a a booming Guide Service on Lake Nottely and never seems to lack for work.  His mother, Betty Leesford, is the Department Manager for Sporting Goods at the Blairsville Walmart Supercenter. He has younger identical twin sisters, Jennifer and Leslie, who are in just going into fifth grade.  

Henry, or Hank as most call him, is able to drive with his learner's permit, and with some conditions has his own pickup he helped pay for in part by mowing lawns.   His parents mostly work the morning shift, and are out the door before seven am most days, so its his job to ensure his sisters get to school on time.  Aside that, he tends to run other errands as needed, and has to be on call when his parents need him.  There are some times where he can get out of it, so long as he makes arrangements ahead of time, barring actual emergencies.




Name: Henry Alan “Hank” Leesford

Age: 16

Height: 6’            Weight: 175 lbs               Eyes: Grey                            Hair: Brown

Hero Points:    2                   XP:


_ 8    Strength (Str) +0

_10   Dexterity (Dex) +1

_ 9    Endurance (End) +1

_ 9    Intelligence (Int) +1

_ 6    Education (Edu) +0

_ 6    Social Standing (Soc) +0





Jack of All Trades 1, Computer 0, Drive 1,  Athletics 0, Carousing 1, Melee Combat 0, Gun Combat 1, Survival 1




Packrat- The character knows how to pack and carry equipment efficiently. The packrat is unencumbered when carrying up to twice their STR in items. The character is Heavily Loaded when carrying up to four times their STR in items.

MASTER TRACKER Prerequisite: Survival 1 This character gains Advantage when tracking in a wilderness environment. This trait does not apply in urban or other built-up areas.

LUCKY Prerequisite: None; Your character starts each game session with 3, rather than 2, Hero Points.


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Name: Benjamin Franklin Thompson

Age: 15

Height: 5' 5"    Weight: 130lbs                                        1887492031_BenThompson.jpg.e82a2641ae1e74c1704a396862dd8fd6.jpg

EyesBlue   Hair: Brown

Hero Points: 2         XP: 0



_ 7    Strength (Str) +0

_ 9   Dexterity (Dex) +1

_ 8    Endurance (End) +0

_12   Intelligence (Int) +2

_ 6    Education (Edu) +0

_ 5    Social Standing (Soc)  -1







Computer 1, Drive 0, Carousing 2, Admin 1, Performance 1






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