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Okay, the c/p is going to take a little while with me in and out of the house until the reno is done. Why don't we start up play again? I'd like to start up fresh, so I would like to tie off the threads that were still hanging out with one last wrap-up post from people, if they want to put a wrap-up post for themselves in it. 

Dawn was looking for Karrie to make contacts with people there for possible recruitment into what will be a sort of Team2Morrow analogue. If you want your characters involved in that, either as recruits or as some other resource/foil, say so here or send a PM to Dawn, please. 🙂 I know she would like to do an "Orientation" thread for the group that is set before the next plot thread. 

My next in-game plot thread is going to be set on Valentine's Day, so I'd like people to think on what their characters have been doing for the five months since the Storm. 

Any questions? Concerns? Good keto recipes?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Alrighty, I know life has been busy/rough for several of us the past few weeks and that we've lost at least one of our prolific writers (one permanently and several others until life lets up a little). Here's my proposal:

I'd like to do a sort of soft reset of the game. Not changing anything that's happened or characters or anything, but basically saying the world went quiet for a bit because everyone had massive amounts of infrastructure to rebuild and 10% of the population to mourn. I need to change some plot ideas as Dawn/Karrie hasn't been available and I had things pinned around her when I made the next plot. I'll make a new one and set it for a bit farther out. Instead of Valentine's Day, I'm going to set the next plot thread for March 22nd, the sixth month anniversary of the Storm. Let me know OOCly what your character has been up to and if you want any particular thing/relationship/whatever in place. We'll hash it out. I'll make a new plot and we'll restart DR (and hopefully keep it going this time 😉 ). I want to get it going for writing before March 22nd, that's just the IC day. 

Thoughts? Questions? Concerns? Ad libs? No limericks.

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emily is going where the current takes her. she will keep in touch with her NOAA shipmates and people she knew in  Hawaii and help them out if and when she can but she feels that all of her old contracts and obligations are now null and void.

She avoids her family.

She will also keep in touch with Ryan and Deezy as well as be open to t2m thingy.

Her most pressing thing is learning her powers and their extant and exploring her new underwater world as much as possible.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Deezy has been working with Ryan and their billionaire buddy to get Novastorm going. She's also been working on her own gig, Klattatech, which is at this point pretty much just her. She'll have started monetizing her ability, but is doing so with some caution...trying not to cause TOO much economic turmoil by suddenly introducing a lot of previously-rare and expensive materials onto the markets. She's also working on fleshing out her private database on Stormers, including those who she hasn't encountered directly...in some cases there won't even be names to those, just whatever she can glean from social media, news articles, propaganda, or whatever's out there.


After the party, Renata went back home, went back to school, and is looking into ginning up some nocturnal crime fighting again...though perhaps paying a bit more attention to her costume now, hehe. If we're only setting the clock forward a month, she may still be trying to decide/acquire said costume without making it too obvious that it's her doing it. IE - buying it with cash, in pieces not all at the same time, etc etc. Exception to this is if there's been any contact with her from anyone at the party, then that could shake things up.

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Ah! Okay, so Deezy will have bought some kind of a workshop for herself then...probably a converted warehouse or other, similar open-floorplan type deal. Novastorm's progress depends largely on Ryan's ability to wrangle his company...5-6 months is a very long time to someone like Deezy.


Renata will have had enough time to get her act together and get out on the streets by night, when she hasn't got a test coming up, and stop some crimes. She still hasn't settled on a 'real' name, but has got a slightly less improvised costume than she was using before. When going out on her business, she not only wears the costume but changes her body a bit...gets a bit taller and more swole, so it's less likely she'll be guessed by the public.

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Oh, I'll be putting this up in the world-state thread, but at this point a number of other people have become empowered, showing the world that the Stormers won't be the only supers on the block. The media/culture in general is still searching for a good term for the non-Stormers, going back and forth on if 'Stormers' applies to all powered people or just those from the Storm. It's getting confusing and annoying. 😛 

Feel free to toss out ideas for things that have happened in the world in this time. Renata won't be the only vigilante out there but so far things governments have managed to either keep a lid on things or flat out control the media when stuff has gotten out of hand. 

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  • 1 month later...

My beautiful players!

Feel free to ask for rolls if you ever feel like you've hit a dead end or don't know what to do next. I don't want to spend a week of "oh, I thought you were posting next" or "I didn't know what to do so I just waited for more writing". Discord is so lovely for communication that way.

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  • Malachite unpinned this topic
  • 3 months later...

So! Work is finally starting to let up a little and I'm finding creative energy for other projects slowly creeping back. It'll probably still be a little bit (I'm still building infrastructure over there and only just now got the second of my sect Lead STs onboard), but there is light at then end of the tunnel. I know I have one new playing that's been patiently waiting for the game to start back up again - also I'm going to abandon the whole "real-time" thing. This hasn't come about as a sandbox game and trying to pretend it is is just silly. 😛 

Are people still interested in this game? Can I get a quick roll-call?

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  • 1 month later...

Sorry about that blip on getting back to this. My work duties expanded like two days after posting here, but we've now got staffing, so I can actually take my Thursday's off again. And until the end of October it looks like I have my Saturday days off free as well! Yay!

So! I am working on stuff here again and look to have a post up either later today or Monday sometime. 🙂

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Max - Gabe is still MIA from school/life. Would you like me to move Fear and Loathing forward with a situation that takes Donald out of commission for a little while? Renata will have to deal with Phobos on her own or look for other allies, but it would allow the thread to move forward. 

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